Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Everything Wedding Blog Carnival : First Edition

wedding blog carnivalBrideTide.com is happy to announce the hosting of our first Everything Wedding Blog Carnival, accepting posts from wedding bloggers from all across the Internet. Deadline for submission is 5/15/09.

For those of you that don't know what a blog carnival is, a blog carnival is typically a collection of links pointing to blog articles on a particular topic. In this case, Weddings. Not only are blog carnivals a great way to learn what some of the most popular wedding bloggers are talking about, but if you happen to blog about the topic of weddings, the carnival is the place to share your work with like-minded bloggers and make some great connections.

Blog submission requirements:
- No articles less than 250-words will be accepted
- Blog post submitted must be less than 14 days old
- All submitted blogs must fit in one of the 5 determined wedding categories
- All submissions must be received by midnight 5/15/2009

Categories wil be:
DIY wedding projects
Wedding Budget Tips
Eco and Green Weddings
Wedding Fashion and Beauty
New Wedding Trends
General Wedding Tips and Advice

Please send your blog entries along with your category to: info@bridetide.com

Also, if you would like to request info on hosting an upcoming Everything Wedding Blog Carnival on your blog, send us an email for details.

UPDATE: The Everything Wedding Blog Carnival has been published and can be read here.

Monday, April 20, 2009

2009 Wedding Pledge

It's a well-known fact that there are countless people go widely unrecognized in the wedding and bridal industry. Behind the scenes, these unsung heroes consistently make a positive contribution to our community for the sheer delight in helping others. Whether it is basic wedding advice, creative inspiration or something bigger, the impact they make on those recipients resonates throughout their entire lifetime.

About a month ago, we decided to honor those selfless and compassionate individuals by creating a simple pledge and asked others to take that pledge with us to help spotlight those caring people that are advancing and progressing the wedding industry on a personal level. We then asked everyone who took the wedding pledge to write a simple blog post on April 21st about someone in the wedding industry that they admire to celebrate those said individuals. The support we received was overwhelming.

With that said, the person we would like to recognize, and one who we greatly admire, is none other than Fran Hansen, co-founder of BridesAgainstBreastCancer.com.

brides against breast cancer
About Fran Hansen
After two breast cancer scares in 1997, Fran Hansen, of Portland, Oregon, was awoken in the middle of the night with an admirable idea. She saw herself traveling the country in a truck and trailers, selling wedding dresses that had been donated to her with the proceeds funding wishes for women with terminal breast cancer. So in 1998, Fran and her daughter Anna cofounded the nonprofit Making Memories Breast Cancer Foundation, which now takes her to more than 36 cities each year to organize her famous Brides Against Breast Cancer Charity Wedding Gown Sale.

The goal of her organization is to advance the awareness of breast cancer and to educate the public about the vast resources and support available to breast cancer patients and their families. It is estimated that this year alone over 200,000 women and nearly 1,200 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Every year, Fran and the Brides Against Breast Cancer accept thousands of new and used wedding gowns from private and corporate donors, then sell these beautiful gowns to brides at exceptional savings over retail prices. The proceeds are then donated to funding the wishes of those diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. Our admiration for Fran Hansen and the work she has done is why we have chosen her as the person we admire most in the wedding industry. Thank you Fran for everything you've done and everything you plan to do.

brides against breast cancer
If you would like to join Fran and thousands of other selfless brides who have taken the time to donate their wedding dresses to the Brides Against Breast Cancer Charity Wedding Gown Sale, you can find more information here. And remember, your donation is 100% tax deductible.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Diamond Is Expensive: Campaign for More Affordable Engagement Rings

a diamond is expensive

One wedding blog we try to check out on a regular basis is 2000 Dollar Wedding, which happens to be one of our Top 100 Wedding Blogs (and Twitters) To Follow In 2009. We knew when we saw Sara's latest blog post with the image above, we had to share it with our readers.  Kind of puts everything into perspective huh? Image is courtesy of Turtle Love Committee via A Diamond Is Expensive

Saturday, April 18, 2009

101 DIY Wedding Projects And Ideas

If you haven't checked out that big list of 101 DIY PROJECTS + IDEAS over at Stylish Events, you're really missing out! Tons of DIY wedding inspiration from some of the best and most popular DIY pros on the web.  And don't forget to stay up to date on all the freshest + newest DIY wedding trends on our DIY Weddings category over at BrideTide.com.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Become A Member Of Our Twibe!

wedding twibe twitter

Have you joined our Twibe?  (It's official, we're twitterholics!)
If you're looking for all the latest + freshest wedding chat, drop by our Wedding Twibe and become a member!  Think of it as a stream of wedding tweets from all your favorite peeps in the bridal industry, all in one place.  It's also a great place to find other wedding fanatics! We're just getting it started so drop on in!

(Don't worry...it's free!)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

How To Write You Own Wedding Vows [FUNNY]

how to write your own wedding vows

Wanted to share this funny wedding pic sent to us by Wendy McGillian!
Click on the picture to see the full size version.
The original source can be found here.