Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Everything Wedding Blog Carnival : First Edition

wedding blog carnivalBrideTide.com is happy to announce the hosting of our first Everything Wedding Blog Carnival, accepting posts from wedding bloggers from all across the Internet. Deadline for submission is 5/15/09.

For those of you that don't know what a blog carnival is, a blog carnival is typically a collection of links pointing to blog articles on a particular topic. In this case, Weddings. Not only are blog carnivals a great way to learn what some of the most popular wedding bloggers are talking about, but if you happen to blog about the topic of weddings, the carnival is the place to share your work with like-minded bloggers and make some great connections.

Blog submission requirements:
- No articles less than 250-words will be accepted
- Blog post submitted must be less than 14 days old
- All submitted blogs must fit in one of the 5 determined wedding categories
- All submissions must be received by midnight 5/15/2009

Categories wil be:
DIY wedding projects
Wedding Budget Tips
Eco and Green Weddings
Wedding Fashion and Beauty
New Wedding Trends
General Wedding Tips and Advice

Please send your blog entries along with your category to: info@bridetide.com

Also, if you would like to request info on hosting an upcoming Everything Wedding Blog Carnival on your blog, send us an email for details.

UPDATE: The Everything Wedding Blog Carnival has been published and can be read here.

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