Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Long Have You Been "Sipping the Crewlade"? {poll time}

A big "thanks!" to Audrey who had a {great} suggestion for a poll...
I think it may be a fun post ask/poll the community how long they've been sipping the Crewlade, their first purchase, etc.
I love the topic and I l-o-v-e the line "sipping the Crewlade"! I agree that it would be fun to find out how long we have been fans (or fanatics, like in my case!) of the brand. So here it is...

Quick Poll: How long have you been "sipping the Crewlade"?

Also, "thanks!" to Clicquot (in this post) who came up with the following suggestion:
Since you do this post every Friday (Seek & Find), how about doing a follow-up post on Mondays about "What Did You Score This Weekend"? I'm always wondering what the JCSs found on their weekend shopping excursions :)
I think this is could be a great idea and wanted to see how much interest there is in it. (It would be nice to find out what happened after the weekend is over.) Since I am in a polling-kind-of-mood today, here is another one...

Quick Poll: Would you be interested in a weekly "Sought & Found" post for Mondays?

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