Saturday, February 20, 2010

J.Crew Earns Top Spot With Customers

A big "thanks!" to Slastena (check out her amazing "About All and Nothing at All" blog) who was kind enough to share the following news (also refer to her "2010 Customer Loyalty Brand Winners" post).

There is an article over at AOL (click here) that reported the best brands that we keep coming back to. According to the article, "each year, a company called Brand Keys determines Customer Loyalty Engagement Winners based on a Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Engagement Index that analyzes customers' relationships with 518 brands in 71 different categories".

Well who made the list for best retail store? J.Crew of course!
Category: Retail Store (Apparel) WINNER: JCrew

Veteran or Newbie? JCrew launched in 1983 as a mail order catalog for casual men's and women's clothing. Founder Arthur Cinader and his daughter expanded JCrew into a brick and mortar store in 1989 with its first store in New York City. In 1996, the company offered online ordering through its website, providing preppy, classic styles to Americans everywhere. With a start in the early 80's, we're considering this brand a newbie!
I don't know how this brand gets to be called a "newbie". But, back to the topic...

It is definitely nice to see J.Crew being rewarded as best retail store. Looking at the other competitors in its category, it is easy for me to see how J.Crew stands out. J.Crew does have some of the best customer service around. And of course, the clothes! As much as I complain about certain pieces now and then (hi Zebra Trench, I am talking about you!), there is always an item or two I am lusting after each season. ;)

What are your thoughts on J.Crew's category win of best retail store? Do you agree or disagree? :)

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