Sunday, March 28, 2010

Should I Join? {Disqus Commenting System}

Following the trend... of the Disqus bandwagon. :) After the success over at some of my favorite blogs, including GingerSnap's Daily Fashion Post, the (chloe) conspiracy & now My Superfluities..., I am starting to no longer resist. (Incidentally, I also want to give a big "shout-out" to GingerSnap who answered quite a few of my questions about the new commenting system last year.)

Unfortunately, I am still unsure if this is the right move for the JCA blog and I need your help! I made a pro-con list (a la Rory Gilmore from the Gilmore Girls) to help me figure it out...

  • Users can log-in through other accounts
    (like Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
  • Users monitor all their comments in one profile screen
  • Users can reply to comments through their email
    (do not have to go back to the blog to reply to a comment)
  • Threaded comments
  • One more thing to sign-in {ugh!}
  • Can't switch back to old Blogger commenting system with comments (comments stay stuck with Disqus; the comments are the best part of this blog!)
  • Not sure if Disqus comments can be searched by Google
What are your thoughts on this? I like to make the blog easier for our community to use. So I would love to hear your feedback on this. Please, chime in! :)

Quick Poll: Should I switch the commenting system to Disqus?

UPDATE: Thanks everyone for voting & chiming in. I really appreciate all the great feedback. Based on it, I have decided to leave the current commenting system (via Blogger) as-is. :) Nothing will change. {yey!} [As an aside, I would turn off the poll but there is no way to do it without losing the results, which I would like to keep. So it stays too! ;) ]

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