Monday, April 19, 2010

Jacket Sleeves: To Scrunch or Not To Scrunch

"Thanks!" to Irene who suggested the following topic for a post: "jackets with scrunch-sleeves" look. Not only did she notice that J.Crew features a l-o-t of scrunched sleeves for their jackets (click here to check them all out), she even ran across an article over at You Look Fab (click here) about this very trend.

So, what do you think about this look? How do you feel about scrunching your sleeves? Fan or not?

I must admit, I tried this look a few times myself. But the reality is, I could not keep the jacket sleeves scrunched up for long. The sleeves kept falling down to its natural long-sleeve state. Also, it was really hard to move my elbows because of all the fabric crumpled-up right there. I ended up re-adjusting the scrunch every 5 minutes, making the look very hard to achieve.

I think I will just stick to rolling-up my sleeves for a similar look that I know will stay put. ;)

What are your thoughts on the "jackets with scrunch-sleeves" look? Are you a fan of this style? How do you wear this look? :)

Quick Poll: Do you like the "scrunch sleeves" look in general?

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