Thursday, March 4, 2010

News about your J.Crew order...

Like many of you have experienced, I recently got the dreaded "News about your J.Crew order" email from J.Crew. Just seeing that email in my in-box made me sad and a bit upset. I knew what the message inside was going to say.
So many feelings rushed through me while reading the email. Mainly I was hurt because it was an item I had been stalking online for quite sometime. (Yup, I am an idiot to have wasted my time!) It wasn't like I placed the last one of the item either. Oh no, there was stock left over after my order. I even called CS a few days after my order to make sure everything was okay. The CS rep said of course and that everything looked fine. Yet, my order didn't make it. So here is my open letter to J.Crew:
Dear J.Crew,

My feelings are hurt. The email you sent is so cold and impersonal. Like we didn't share all those wonderful years together. You know I didn't "cancel" my item, so why even say that? I thought we were friends.

When I called you about the email, you said you were sorry. But I don't think you really mean it, since you then told me that it was never a guarantee when I placed my order and that I could have avoided this by purchasing regular priced items early on. {
heart braking a little bit here}

You kept telling me the new information system upgrade from two years ago would reflect inventory properly so emails like this would never be sent again. I believed you. I wanted to believe you.

I don't know. Maybe we should take a break. I still deeply care for you, but hopefully the time apart will help me figure some things out.



P.S. I don't care for your P.S. either. Of course you are not going to charge me. Why would you even say that?

So there it is. :( I don't know what is left to say except I am going to start to see other retailers again. Right now Land's End Canvas is courting me pretty heavily. ;)

Have you experienced the {dreaded} cancelation email recently? What would your open letter to J.Crew include?

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